Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fall Festival

Join POPs at the Franklin Fall Festival for a Free Puppet Show and FOOD!
POPs will be performing at First Presbyterian Church on October 3 at 3:00 pm
Look for us in the Parade too! We'll be the ones with puppets :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

POPS resumes practice schedule after hiatus

Well – July went by really fast! We are excited to begin our new season of ministry to the community. On October 3rd, POPS will be partaking in the Franklin Festival Parade. After the parade event there will be a puppet show, complete with food, at 1st Presbyterian Church off of downtown Franklin. On October 16th-17th POPS will host One Way Street’s regional puppetry festival at Franklin Church of Christ on US 31.

We will reprise our Christmas Show, “Finding the Christmas Star” this holiday season. Watch our blog for showtimes, locations and dates.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Puppet Ministry Festival

POPs is hosting the regional One Way Street Puppet Festival. It is a great opprotunity to learn new puppeting techniques and grow your ministry. It will be a two day training. The training includes an opprotunity to compete as well and receive helpful feedback from professional entertainers. If you are interested in attending visit for more information.