Monday, November 22, 2010

POPs is working on a reverse blacklight number for Christmas! #saywhat?!?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Child of the King props are posted to facebook. Check them out. We are still in need of a team photographer to capture or progress as we prepare for shows as well as the actual shows.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Featured Clown

Zoey Bubblegum is a wee clown from Pinkytoe, Pennsylvania. Zoey is famous for her bright pink hair and is the granddaughter of Imma Promise. She loves to eat ice cream, swim with balloons, and has been known to dance with props. Zoey is interested in ballet, bright blue suckers, and little dogs that lick her nose. To see Zoey Bubblegum be sure to visit the Wee Clowns of America Convention at Wonka, IL the summer 2010.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Finding the Christmas Star 2009

Join POPs at Indian Creek on December 5, 2009 for shows at 9 or 11 am. You can also see POPs at Morning Point Assisted Living Community on December 12, 2009 for a show at 2 pm.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Azzie Dude

Azzie Dude grew up on beaches around the world. His parents met at the Haight Ashbury and were a part of the Jesus Freak movement of the late 1960’s. His parents are surfboard makers and when business was slow Azzie would make palm leaf baskets on the beach. Azzie became proficient in sea turtle riding and snorkeling while visiting Fiji in 2000. He’s always ready to hang ten or bum on the beach. He loves to drink pineapple and coconut juice. Friends report that he’s ingested too much salt water over the years, but that he’s always a laugh at parties.