Wednesday, October 28, 2009

POPs is looking for 10-20 people who are not in the FCC choir who would like to be involved on the choir Christmas show. All ages needed. Involvement will occur at your seat. No requirements except a willing heart. Minimal practices. Let us know if you're interested.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


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Sunday, October 18, 2009

One Way Street Puppet Festival- Indy

POPS was thrilled to host their first One Way Street Festival. It was a lot of work and a ton of fun. Thanks to all the volunteers from Franklin Community Church and the other FCC who helped throughout the weekend. POPs could not have done it alone and all the support was much appreciated!
A good crowd showed up for the festival and and tons of GREAT workshop leaders were there! It was amazing to learn from some of the best in the ministry.

The other FCC was kind enough to let POPs use their facility for the weekend. Which was such a blessing. There is no way everyone would have fit in our sanctuary. The other FCC's members were helpful and encouraging throughout the festival as they shared the facility for soccer or preschool.

The other FCC also loaned us their pastor of music Terry Wagnor. He ran the lights and sound for the whole festival. He was amazing. He is such a great man of GOD. I don't think we could have hosted without him. He took our biggest concern and made it flawless. He was such a blessing. Now if POPs could only develop a plan to steal him.....................

Leah Messer dazzled us all with her amazing cooking. She prepared three meals for the team and One Way Street. Everyone was full and happy all weekend with Leah's cooking. She went above and beyond as usual! She's one in a million and POPs is thankful that the Messer family are members of the team.

Kathy Shertzer did a great job of working with One Way Street to plan the event and did an amazing job at communicating every one's role. She made sure everything went smoothly throughout the weekend.

Sherry Young was a huge trooper this weekend. She worked with little rest having just overcome a three day illness. She wasn't 100% with her strength, but you wouldn't have known it by her attitude and work effort.

POPs is very appreciative to the two founding members and all the hard work and time they pour into the ministry!
I was able to monitor three of Christy Watkins classes. As many of you may know, POPs has been inspired by Power Company and have learned so much from their performances. It was a blessing to get to spend time with the founder and director of the troop that has so revolutionized our idea of the creative arts. She was more creative and kind than I could have imagined.

Picabo was one member of a clown family that performed this weekend. They were all very talented and did a great job of sharing the message. Picabo's two children talked to me about how their mom and grandma were clowns and that they were clowns too. They were too adorable!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Franklin Fall Festival

Liz, Violet, Sherry, Pinky, Andi, Spring, LeShon, and Natasha rocked out "Put a Little Love in Your Heart" for a mile and a half. The audience was great and got into the music. There was lots of clapping, singing, and thumbs up throughout the crowd. The crowd pumped the puppets and people on the float up and helped us do a better performance. I am constantly amazed at how many adults will smile and wave at a puppet. God is good.

Zoey Bubblegum was the hit of the parade! The wee clown made her debut in the parade and was the talk of the town as she sat on the float and waved to the towns people. There were many cries of "look at the baby clown." Zoey had a blast and reports that she will be doing more gigs in the future. Look for her at POPs events.

Twinkle was the seasoned clown at the show. She was able to shake many hands throughout the parade.

Gomer was a lovable clown who made his debut with the troupe at the fall festival. Goomer made a lot of Franklin kids happy by giving out tons of candy and making many laugh! POPs is hoping he will join us for more shows in the future.

Pink Diva made her debut at the Festival. She showed many boys and girls God's love during the parade. Pops is hoping that she'll tag along with the troupe more often!

Getting prepared before the parade began.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pops was just blessed to get a call for a show from someone we've never met before! They saw us in the parade and wanted us to do a show at their church. The notice was too short but hopefully we can work with them in the future! We still have a few opennings for Christmas.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thanks to everyone that helped with the parade and show today! The parade was a blast and went wonderfully. We had all kinds of clowns and puppets. The crowd was active and enjoyed the show. It was great to see all the smiles and waves from children and adults alike.

A new clown made her debut today. Five year old Zoey Bubblegum came out to the parade and show. She was an adorable addition to the show.

The show at First Presbyterian went well. Twinkle taught many lessons and patience ended the show with put a little love in your heart. 50 adults and kids came out to see the show.

All and all it was a great day! Next up One Way Street Puppet Festival.